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Even though I am constantly cold (I even have a space heater under my desk at the office), Icehotel looks like an adventure. The hotel is located in Jukkasvjarvi, Sweden - a small village 200km inside the Arctic Circle. Several accommodation options are available: Cold, Warm or Wilderness Camp (I'm imagining dog-sleds, ice fishing and Reindeer rodeos). In the winter months, Icehotel offers snowmobile, dog-sled and moose safari day-trips, courses in ice sculpting, snowshoe and cross-country ski excursions, hunting, etc. In the summer, one can go hiking, fishing, hunting, canoeing and camping (plus more). The Northern Lights are visible all year round. I have officially put it on my list of places to visit.
Livingstones are ultra-comfy seating and sleeping cushions.
Available in wool and neoprene - for outdoor use.
Wooden figures by Alexander Girard, originally made in the 1960's, have been recently re-issued by Vitra. Each doll has so much character!
Front Bedroom
Back Bedroom
Logging in this afternoon, I realized that my last post was one month ago, to the day.
It has been a bad month... very very bad. I'm back though and I'll try to catch everyone up with the construction progress...