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Handmade Furniture by BDDW.
I read about this fantastic website today... such a fun read and great photos too! The photo above illustrates original signage with the old Chicago telephone numbering system. It's still in place... it's that flower shop on LaSalle, near SUperior Street.... get it? Too bad the city's density demanded we transition to an all numbers system. I wonder how they would have addressed cellphone numbers back-in-the-day... CANUHEARMENOW-5024? hahaha.
This rotating table for two is brilliant. Actually, the whole apartment is... FYI - The apartment belongs to one of the co-owners of Atlas Industries (manufacturers of the BEAUTIFUL as4 shelving system).
Anyone know how to read Japanese? Their website is in Japlish.
Stainless Steel available at Crate & Barrel in polished or MoMA in brushed. A Chili Red version is available at Chantal.
So nice but so expensive!!! The floor lamp option is really nice (and $$$) as well...
We still have yet to tackle the Green Roof and creating some type of access to it... one thought was building a ship's ladder, since there isn't much space, in the upstairs corridor, for a decent spiral stair. Still exploring options though...
As the temperature continues to get colder, the air becomes drier and drier. My skin is in crisis... it's cracking and itchy and desperate for moisture. I decided I need to get a humidifier for the house, especially since we have forced air heat, which makes the air drier still!!! I stumbled across this wonderful little machine, by PlusMinus Zero. Unfortunately, it's a bit out of my price range. I think I need to hit Target this weekend...
I love this cuckoo clock by TAF.

Even though we will probably end up with an Ikea kitchen, I can still dream about Henry Built...
One of my all time favorite designers is Achille Castiglioni. One of these days, I hope to visit Milan (and my friend there) and when I do, I will definitely make a stop at Studio Museo Achille Castiglioni.
Welter Wall via Apartment Therapy. A nice alternative to pocket doors.
Hans Wegner, 1953. Such a classic design... currently on auction at Wright.
Svenskt Tenn: Swedish Modern + Josef Frank
Kasthall Rugs - BEAUTIFUL!
Our server is down at the office... so, I figured I'd catch up with some blogging.
Bamboo sheets at Target... I bought a pair of pillowcases last year. So soft!