... not much. We have been kind of in a holding pattern... examining our list of 'things to do, complete and/or work on', then trying to figure out what we can actually afford to work on. Reality blows.
Anyway, during the past month, we've managed to:
+ stain the back door, door trim and window trim (Minwax Ipswich Pine 221 with protective top coat finish)
+ install can light fixture trim pieces
+ finish drywalling and mudding the basement stairwell and doorway/soffit (next up: priming and painting)
+ start on a temporary paint job for the living room stairs (since we won't be rehabbing the living room anytime soon, we'd like to at least 'clean it up ' a bit)
So what's next...
We're trying to figure out if we should:
A. Clean up the basement a bit and set up a laundry zone. Currently the clothes burning and energy hogging 1979 washer and dryer are located next to the furnace way way away from the basement stairs and in the area we'd like to use for storage and a 'workshop'. The thought was to move the NEW washer and dryer next to the basement stairs.
B. Start fixing up the backyard (see previous post).
With warm weather here (kind of), I'm really aching for the backyard... who cares about clean clothes, right??? Sigh.
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